Fall 11 Books from STC Craft

While it's most certainly Summer 2011 outside, in our offices we're excitedly reviewing advances for Fall 11 books and actually working on books for Spring 12 and beyond. I've worked in publishing for over 20 years and I've always found it hard to keep track of the seasons. My first job was at a bimonthly food magazine where we worked on the holiday issue in July. I remember having this odd feeling in December, as though Christmas had already happened. A chocolate Santa or a party invitation would land on my desk and I would wonder: Didn't we already do this?

I love summer (how could anyone not enjoy a season so full of flip-flops and ice cream cones?), so I'm the last person to want to rush through it. But I can't help but think about the books that we will publish in September (Weekend Handmade, My Grandmother's Knitting, and Sewing Basics) and October (The BUST DIY Guide to Life and Custom Knits 2). Our Fall 11 flyer is complete (we worked on that in May) and we have posted the digital version here. So, I hope you'll enjoy looking at it, perhaps while leaning back in a lounge chair poolside. Tell us what you think in the Comments section. We'd love to hear from you. 
